Its easy as 1,2,3
Whatever you reason for storing your belongings, let us help ease the pressure.
Why choose us? Here are our 3 steps to Simple Storage Success:
Step 1. We supply packing boxes, delivered FREE to your home
Step 2. Your Storage Vault arrives at your address in one of our vehicles staffed with two fully trained operatives who will pack your items into the vault and return it to our secure storage unit.
Step 3. Sit back and relax. Contact us when you need your contents delivered back, no hidden costs or extras and more importantly no need for private van hire and delivery yourself.
Call us now FREE on 0808 155 7654 to talk to a storage expert and make your house feel like a home again
Need your contents delivered to a different address after store?
No problem, we can deliver nationwide,
contact us now FREE on 0808 155 7654
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